In the martial arts action film titled “Eighteen Arhats of Shaolin Temple,” the story takes place during the 33rd year of the Jiajing Emperor’s reign in the Ming Dynasty, specifically in 1554. In response to the Emperor’s request, a group of 18 Shaolin kung fu monks, led by Monk Wujue and skilled in using long sticks as weapons, embarks on a journey to the southern region to defend the empire’s shores against an invasion by Japanese Pirates. Upon reaching the Jiangsu-Zhejiang frontline, the monks encounter a team of Japanese Pirates who have taken civilians hostage. The monks engage in a battle, managing to rescue the captives, but unfortunately, the twin brother of the pirate commander Seton is killed during the fight.
Seeking safety, the monks and the refugees they saved seek refuge at Feiyu Fortress, where the local garrison, fearing the ruthless Japanese Pirates, had fled. Despite their original mission to teach Shaolin Kungfu to the soldiers on the frontline, the monks decide to remain at the fortress to protect the civilians from harm. Word reaches Seton that his twin brother was killed by the monks, leading him to mercilessly attack nearby monasteries and swear to eliminate all the monks. He mobilizes the majority of his army towards Feiyu Fortress, where mostly women and elderly people are seeking shelter.
Initially, the monks successfully repel the invaders during the first wave of attack, but their defensive strategy falters due to impulsive actions by Wuzheng, one of the younger monks. As a result, several other monks are killed. Upon discovering that the fortress is guarded by a group of monks, Seton swiftly sends his ninja troops to launch a surprise raid, building up to the final battle. Meanwhile, Colonel Cao, who had disguised himself as a refugee and initially tried to persuade the monks to retreat, is overwhelmed by shame and joins the defense efforts. Together, they manage to fend off the ninjas’ attack.
Furious with the repeated failures to capture the fortress, Seton orders his entire army to seek vengeance for his brother’s death and annihilate the monks. However, in a critical moment, the monks form a strategic formation to deter the frenzied enemy offensive, allowing the civilians to escape unharmed.